How much do the facility and utilities of your real estate asset cost? Are the costs of your building competitive? Do they favor the complete leasing of the asset?

Reducing Total Cost Ownership is always possible and is a dynamic process that changes with the passage of time of the asset and with the passing of the environmental conditions in which it is inserted. OWTC offers its customers a new management service that aims at designing a holistic and virtuous system of real estate asset management, impacting, with an innovative methodology, on the provision of the facility management service together with the supply of energy and heat.

The service procedures include the following activities:

  • A preliminary engineering audit of the maintenance status of the systems and building components
  • The preparation of a plan and program of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance
  • The measurement of inefficiencies, maintenance performance, energy and heat consumption
  • The identification of an Energy Services (ESCo) for the supply of energy and heat maintenance services
  • Technical-administrative consultancy to support the property in order to draw up a suitable contract and tender specifications that guarantee the property the effectiveness of the continuous reduction and optimization of the TCO and can validate the work of the ESCo by means of an annual validation of the results obtained by an independent third party

For any information you can send an email to Eng. Maria Bellizzi –

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Total Cost Ownership Management (~ 2,1 Mb) – PDF file