Sustainability Management Support is the new OWTC consultancy service for the development of strategies and choices that can allow the best alignment of real estate asset to the sustainability objectives and technological innovations that are also radically transforming the world of real estate.

The service is aimed at investors and asset managers, properties and properties wishing to set up and develop the business of their real estate assets on the new drivers that will guide the future market: sustainability, resilience and innovation.

After an initial phase of asset analysis and definition of the parameters to be measured, the service provides for structuring and management of the collected data through digitalized platforms in order to develop an environmental and social governance (ESG) framework. The analysis of the results involves an annual frequency so that the incremental progress obtained can be verified and the achievement of the objectives of the sustainability model can be verified. Then we will proceed with the modeling of the sustainability, resilience and innovation system. The production of an annual report will allow to describe the improvement actions to be taken, according to the established road map while the execution of the identified activities will be defined by meeting the owners.

For any information you can send an email to Eng. Maria Bellizzi –

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Sustainability Management Support (~ 2,6 Mb) – PDF file